Everyday Confetti ~ Your Year-Round Guide to Celebrating Holidays and Special Occasions by Karen Ehman & Glynnis Whitwer

Karen Ehman & Glynnis Whitwer

About the book:

Got a calendar packed with reasons to celebrate but a brain that lacks ideas? Special people you want to love on but limited time to do it?

Relax. We've got you covered.

Everyday Confetti is your go-to guide to making holidays, birthdays, special events, and even the everyday special. Inside you'll find more than two hundred ways to make memories with your family, including easy recipes, fun activities, and inexpensive decorating ideas--all simple, doable, and stress-free.

My thoughts:

I wouldn't consider myself a foodie but I fell in love with this book. I loved the premise of celebrating not only the special occasions in our lives but the everyday events that bond us together as a family. Karen and Glynnis have put together a book that celebrates the big things and the little things in life. 

The ideas for each celebration are very doable. In an age of overblown parties it was refreshing to read about simple ways to make lasting memories with those you love. As I said I'm not a foodie so I appreciated that the recipes included were doable for the average cook. In fact I would categorize most of the recipes as comfort food. Not because they will pack on the calories but because they will evoke warm memories when you think about gathering with your loved ones and ingesting the delicious dishes.

Sprinkled throughout the book are little stories from other contributors about personal celebrations from their families. I think that my absolute favorite is Siblings' Night which is from Karen Ehman. I have three children that are very close and this story just touched my heart because it reminds me so much of them. Let me leave you with the details of it:
"For the first decade of parenting, we lived in a very tiny home. All three of our kids, ages two through nine, shared the same bedroom. A triple bunk bed and one shared dresser meant big sister had little brothers' Hot Wheels and Batman PJs right alongside her sparkly lip gloss and jewelry box. When we were finally able to move into a bigger home with two bedrooms for the kids, we thought they'd be thrilled. But while they loved the look of their individual rooms, when nighttime came they wanted to be together. In fact, for the first month or so the boys dragged their pillows and blankets into their sister's room and slept on her floor!
We noticed that the kids had a little routine to their nighttime activities. They'd get drinks of water, Kenna would read the boys a story, and then she would sing them a song from our church camp called 'Goodnight Boys, Sleep Tight Boys.' That tradition was something they didn't want to give up!
Our living situation eventually morphed into everyone in their own rooms. However, a few nights every month, until our daughter moved out at age eighteen, they would hold Siblings' Night. They'd fix a snack and retreat to Kenna's bedroom to watch a movie with NO PARENTS ALLOWED. Then the boys would sleep on her floor and she would lull them into dreamland by singing her goodnight song.
Even now, when she returns for a holiday from her home five states away, you will find the tradition of Siblings' Night taking place in our guestroom--with her on the twin bed and the big, strapping, teenage boys on her floor!"
I encourage each of you to get a copy for yourself and your loved ones and then spend the next year, and years to come, celebrating the everyday lives of your family.

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