Teaching Preschoolers to Write Numbers

This coming fall will be our first year of homeschooling! I am very excited. I myself was homeschooled so it is nothing new.

A few days ago I was looking at curriculum to use. We have chosen Sonlight for the core subjects and Math U See for Math.  Little M seems to be ready but one area we have neglected is learning to write numbers. He will need to do this before we can start Math U See.

I have heard about learning to write numbers in rice or beans but it makes me nervous since I have a five month old. This is what led me to come up with a way to learn to write our numbers without it been dangerous for littler siblings. This is extremely important because homeschooling is a family event and even babies are present and given things to do.

The great part of this activity is it combines the color of the day, number writing, and trying new foods!

What you will need:

1)      Edible paste (such as apple sauce, blended bananas, avocados, or carrots) in the color of the day.
2)      A white plate
3)      A cup of water
4)      A small spoon

What to do:

Have your child write their numbers with their pointer finger in the edible paste. This is a great way to sneak in new foods too. They will be learning their colors at the same time. It is also a good way that baby can participate in homeschooling since they can eat the paste!


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