Wordless Wednesday ~ Boys and Trains

Little boys just love trains. It’s funny to watch my boys play together. Little M loves to boss Little H and currently Little H doesn’t mind. Little H cannot even crawl yet but he has figured out how to lean against the train table so he can play trains too. Super cute! J


  1. My daughter is obsessed with her train table ~ they are just so much fun!

  2. ohhh, I love that big brother is helping out little brother :)

  3. That is the cutest train table. Your boys look so sweet together.

  4. Absolutely adorable!!! I can just hear the train noises.

  5. Your boys are so adorable. My Little One is currently playing with a train set her older brother gave her when we cleaned out his room... she loves it! :)

  6. OMG the little one is a mini-me of you Whitney! Too cute with his binky :)

  7. How sweet, Miles looks like an awesome big brother! They are both so precious!


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