Moms love
mombo™, the nursing pillow with more to love! Mombo has a unique shape
and a two-sided design called Firm2Soft™, with each side offering a different
experience. The firm side gives essential support for mommy and her
nursing baby. The soft side is extra cozy—an inviting place for lounging or
tummy time. And mombo is the only nursing pillow with a vibration
feature, to give baby the ultimate soothing experience while lounging.
Look for mombo’s assortment of pillow styles and slipcover fashions.
Select your style from Standard, Deluxe or Nude™. Then choose multiple
slipcover fashions so you'll always have a spare!
Our thoughts:
We were
asked to review the Mombo™ nursing pillow. First I have to say I love the design
of this Mombo™. Like many other moms I am love-sick with owls. The Taggies™ are
great for little H to play with.
One of the
features that make the Mombo™ unique is the firm and soft side. I love this feature. When I am nursing little
H I need the firm side but when little H is lounging he likes the soft side.
This feature is what makes the Mombo ™ both a nursing pillow and baby lounger.
Another unique
feature is that the Mombo™ has a soothing vibration. Little H finds it funny.
When I turned it on he kept giggling.
Overall the
Mombo™ makes a great nursing pillow and baby lounger. The Mombo™ would make a great
baby shower gift.
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Purchase a Mombo at Babies "R" Us
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Ask a lactation consultant what brands she would recommend. They will know what helps baby get a proper latch, and what Nursing Pillows mothers prefer.