Sandra D. Bricker
Contemporary Fiction/Christmas
About the book:
In "Once Upon a Jingle Bell," A Bah! Humbug cruise to the Mexican Riviera is Joss Snow’s answer to this year’s quest to avoid the holidays completely; at least until she’s rebooked on a different kind of cruise altogether. Candy canes, holly wreaths, reindeer and ornaments seem to be stalking her on the 12 Days of Christmas holiday cruise extravaganza. An escape back to land is her only goal . . . until she meets a kindred spirit in rugged Irishman Patrick Brenneman, and then the game is on! Avoid Christmas festivities at all costs . . . except maybe for that one stop under the mistletoe.
In "It Came Upon a Midnight Deer," Reese’s guilt over abandoning best friend Joss on their holiday tradition of avoiding all things Christmas is trumped by the joy of her recent engagement. Meeting Damian’s family for the first time on idyllic Sugarloaf Mountain is about as far from that Bah! Humbug cruise as she can get, and Reese can hardly wait to get there. But from the moment they hit that deer in the road just two miles from the cabin, everything seems to go wrong. There are no drummers drumming or pipers piping this particular year! And once she sets her future in-laws’ family cabin ablaze, she’s pretty sure there won’t be even ONE golden ring in her future.
My thoughts:
Are you already put out with this winter weather? Do you need something to give you a much needed laugh on these cold and dreary days? Well look no further than Sandra Bricker's adorable new book, Merry Humbug Christmas. This book combines two novellas that intertwine to create one zany Christmas story.
Best friends, Joss (aka Merry Christmas Snow) and Reese (as in the delicious candy bar) have a distinct disdain for all things Christmas. For the past several years they have diligently avoided anything associated with the holiday. Like all great romance inspired books a man (or men in this case) is going to come along and change everything!
Fans of Sandie have come to expect her trademark humor and they will not be disappointed in this novel. Other authors just couldn't pull off all the craziness that goes on without you shaking your head, but somehow Sandie makes it all seem perfectly plausible.
In a funny way I think most of us could relate to the catastrophes that ensued. Okay so maybe most of us have never booked a Bah! Humbug cruise only to be bumped to an all things Christmas cruise. But I have shown up to something only to find out it all changed without my knowledge. Joss' cruise fiasco is funny but for me Reese's meeting of the Norman Rockwellesqe future in-laws could actually be classified as hilarious.
Be sure to pick this one up for yourself as well as a friend. I think it would be great therapy after the holidays. After all laughter makes the heart merry like a good medicine!
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