This Is Where It Ends by Cindy K Sproles | Historical Fiction Review

This Is Where It Ends by Cindy K Sproles

This Is Where It Ends
Historical Fiction

How long is a body expected to keep a secret?

When Minerva Jane Jenkins was just fourteen years old, she married a man who moved her to the mountains. He carried with him a small box, which he told her held gold. And when he died fifty years later, he made her promise to tell no one about the box or the treasure it contained.

Now at ninety-four, Minerva is nearing the end of what has sometimes been a lonely life. But she's kept her promise. Even so, rumors of hidden gold have a way of spreading, and Minerva is visited by a reporter, Del Rankin, who wants to know more of her story.

As an unlikely friendship develops, Minerva is tempted to reveal her secret to Del. But the truth of what's really buried in the box may be hidden even from her.

Read an excerpt.
My Thoughts

I was a bit hesitant to start this book. I was in the midst of some overwhelming things and I didn't think that I wanted a book that appeared to be a bit on the somber side. Thankfully I was completely wrong about the tone of the book.

Minerva Jane Jenkins is a 94 year old woman with one foot in the grave. But that other foot of hers is still walking down life's path. A bit slower than earlier years, but she's still movin'. I completely fell in love with Minerva. In my head she has my grandma's voice which made the story even better.

Minerva is feisty and puts up with very little. She's spent the last 30 plus years as a widow and has done a pretty good job of keeping the farm going. When Del Rankin shows up asking questions about the past, Minerva's isolated world is upended.

The story is about a woman at the end of her life so death is a topic. But it is definitely in context to a life well lived. We are privy to her regrets and long lost dreams. There's also the mystery of the box of gold that has been the source of so much loss. All of these things put together made for a deeply moving story. 

I would classify this as one of my top ten reads of the year. Cindy Sproles is a new author to me but you can bet that I will be on the lookout for more from her.

Connect With The Author

Cindy K Sproles


I received a copy of this book from the publisher to facilitate my review.


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