TASTY Tuesday ~ Buying Organic & Saving Money

Welcome to Tasty Tuesdays with Laura from Food Snob St. Louis! Rather than share a recipe with you today, I thought we could chat about how to save money on groceries. If you are anything like me, your grocery bill can get out of hand so easily. We try to buy a lot of items organic, which makes it even harder to stay within our budget. If you've ever tried to buy just organic food or purchased your weekly grocery list from a big organic or all-natural grocery store, then you know it can easily double what you spend on food in a week.

It's actually very disheartening to me that it costs so much more to purchase food items that don't contain additives, pesticides, food dyes, etc. I want what is best for my family, but sometimes the budget just doesn't allow me to go all-out.

(This is an OLD picture, but it is of the glory days when Baby Snob loved grocery shopping. And when she couldn't reach to pull things off the shelves.)

Over time, I've learned what is and isn't important for me to purchase organic. Some things, such as bananas, I rarely if ever purchase organic. Other items, such as meat or poultry, I am not willing to compromise on. I will say this, saving money in this fashion takes time. Time to dig for and print coupons, time to go to multiple stores, etc. That being said, I've got some great tips and tricks to allow you to be able to purchase more organic foods for your family AND save money!

Head on over to Food Snob St. Louis for my tips & tricks!

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