30 Days of Thanksgiving ~ Day 11: Veterans

Did you watch the World Series this year? If you were watching during game three you had the privilege of hearing Retired Naval Petty Officer, 1st Class, Generald Wilson sing 'God Bless America'. It brought me to tears. I listened to him sing it again a few days later and again this morning on 'Fox & Friends'. When they interviewed him about it he said he sings it as a prayer. May we all do the same. May God continue to bless America!

On this day we celebrate Veterans Day. I come from a long line of military men. My Grandpa Clark served in World War I. My father served in Vietnam. My Uncle Ronnie gave his life in Vietnam. My brother and cousin served during Desert Storm. My beloved husband served during Desert Storm.

For each of these and all the others that selflessly give up their comfortable lives so that we may continue with ours I am so very thankful. May we always remember that . . . FREEDOM ISN'T FREE!!!

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