Beth Moore
About the book:
Do you ever wonder whether or not God hears our prayers? Do you question whether or not you really know how to pray? And how about praying ceaselessly, as scripture instructs?
Best-selling author and world-recognized Bible teacher Beth Moore addresses these practical and pervasive matters in Whispers of Hope by walking readers through an easy to remember and apply method of prayer, coupled with 70 daily devotionals and followed by prompts to put this prayer method into practice.
No greater priority exists for the believer than knowing Christ through the study of His Word and the intimacy of prayer. ~ Beth MooreAre you ready to revolutionize your prayer life? Whispers of Hope teaches the process of powerful Word-saturated prayer in response to daily Bible reading. In turn, you will better understand how devotional reading and prayer are central to a stronger relationship with God.
My thoughts:
I'm a fan of Beth Moore's work. What I appreciate the most about it is that she addresses areas that we all need to work on and continually points us to what the Word says. In Whispers of Hope she addresses the topic of prayer.
If you are like me you tend to do well in your prayer life by fits and starts. Some days I find myself in a continual state of prayer. Other days it is more like a lick and a prayer! My desire would be to become more consistent about my prayer life.
Whispers of Hope lays out a very doable format for going deeper with your prayer life. Each day begins with a Scripture reading followed by a short devotional thought from Beth. Then you are encouraged to spend time in prayer using the P.R.A.I.S.E. format.
Praise - Begin your morning prayer time with praise.
Repentance - After you've spent several minutes in praise and worship, enter a time of confession and repentance.
Acknowledgment - Having praised Him and been purified by Him, you are ready to submit to God's authority. Acknowledge His right to rule and reign in your life every day.
Intercession - Pray for others!
Supplication for self - Now enter into a time of prayer for yourself.
Equipping - Supplications for self helps us KNOW God; this step assists us as we grow in our capacity to SERVE God. Conclude your prayer time by asking Him to equip you in every way for a victorious day.
The book has two pages for each day that is dedicated to an area for you to journal your prayers. In the very back of the book is a section for recording answers to prayers.
This study is designed to be done as an individual or as part of a group. A Group Study Plan is included in the back of the book.
If you are looking to take your prayer life to the next level I would encourage you to get a copy of this book and spend the next ten weeks sinking deep into the type of prayer life that we would all benefit from.
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