Mother & Son: The Respect Effect by Emerson Eggerichs, PhD | Family & Relationships Book Review

Family & Relationships 

It's true: sons and daughters equally need love and respect. But research has shown that the felt need during stress and conflict differs among males and females. Males filter their world more through the respect grid. If you are a mother with a son, this book is for you!

Just as Emerson Eggerichs, PhD, transformed millions of marital relationships with a biblical understanding of love and respect, he now turns these principles to one of the most important relationships of all: one between a mother and her son. Mother & Son shows how to use Respect-Talk and presents the testimonies of mothers who have tried it. Emerson provides a game plan so you not only see the man in the boy but also recognize his innate desires for conquest, hierarchy, authority, insight, relationship, and sexuality.

This book is about a mother going beyond her love and applying respect to the heart of her son.

My Thoughts

As a mother of two grown sons this book was hard for me to read. By the end of the second chapter I felt like I had done just about everything wrong. That's not an easy thing to digest. But I stuck with the book and I am very glad that I did.

My intention in raising my sons was never to squelch them or convey an unintended message. But I did. As I proceeded through the book I began to hear the message that it is never too late to begin using the respect-talk with your son. So I went out on a limb and gave it a try. I have to say that I am pleasantly surprised by the results. I'm fortunate to have good relationships with my sons but through applying the guidelines in the book I can already see a shift in our relationships.

Ideally this book should be read by mothers of little boys so that you can apply the principles from the beginning. (I'm wondering if this would be too odd as a baby shower gift!) Baring that this book should be on the must read list of all boy moms. In hindsight the concepts make sense. These traits in my boys were not new to me, after all I spent almost every day of their lives with them. As their mom it makes sense that they need to be respected. They are after all men in the making.

If you are a mom to boys of any age get this book for yourself. I can almost guarantee that after reading it you will have a different outlook on your relationship with your sons. I can also almost guarantee that you'll want to share it with every other boy mom you know.

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