Protecting Tanner Hollow by Lynette Eason | Romantic Suspense Review

Protecting Tanner Hollow by Lynette Eason

Four Romantic Suspense Novellas
Romantic Suspense

Four nail-biting novellas in one!

Lethal Homecoming
Nolan Tanner never got over Kallie Ainsworth's sudden, unexplained departure. Now when he comes to her rescue after an attempt on her life, all the old feelings come rushing back.

Lethal Conspiracy
When professional fundraiser Lillian Maloney sees her father's campaign manager commit murder, she goes on the run from the men he hires to kill her. A close call brings firefighter Jason Tanner to the rescue, but the killer is closing in . . .

Lethal Secrets
Someone wants Honor McBride dead. When Eli Murphy helps her change a flat tire and discovers the danger Honor is in, he longs to help--but Eli has secrets of his own that could get them all killed.

Lethal Agenda
When Detective Derek St. John rescues a woman he's met only once before--and has never been able to forget--he finds himself falling for her. But he'll have to keep Claire Montgomery alive if they're to have a future together.

My Thoughts

I've got mixed opinions about this book. Let me start with what I like. At the top of the list is the author. Lynette Eason is someone that you can count on for a riveting story. If the book has her name on it . . . I want it! 

I also liked that it was four different stories in one book. It's a crazy busy time of year and it's nice to be able to sit down and read a story in one sitting. In my opinion November and December were made for novellas.

Each of the stories are stand-alone but they are also somewhat connected. The stories are complete but there are connecting threads such as the location (Tanner Hollow) and overlapping characters. I still think you need to read the stories in order but it's okay to finish a story and then not get back to the next one for several days. 

Finally let me tell you what I didn't really care for. I know I just said that I like novellas this time of year but for me this group of novellas really short changed the stories. In my opinion each of these novellas begged to be a full blown story. Don't get me wrong, I liked them, but I just felt like too much was condensed into  a shorter story. Again, in my opinion, novellas really tend to be lighter stories. As with most of Lynette's books there was a lot of intense action. 

So my final analysis would be to get it if you are a fan of Lynette Eason and/or romantic suspense. Read it and enjoy it and let it be a reminder of how much you enjoy sinking your teeth into her full-blown novels.

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Lynette Eason
Photo Credit: © Mary Denman

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