Far | Five Minute Friday

Far | Five Minute Friday

One Word Prompt ~ Five Minutes of Writing ~ No Editing
Today's Prompt: Far


We are about six months in to a serious health situation. Most days I am able to look back and see just how far we've come. I've got all the records (and bills) to remind me that we've definitely come a far distance from the beginning. It makes me smile and just want to celebrate.

Last week we met with the oncologist and we got wonderful news. Again that sense of jubilation and need to celebrate this milestone. But then I asked a question and the response was we still have a far journey ahead. That's always a bubble burster! 

It's such a balance. Looking back while looking forward. It's that tension of the in-between. We get to see what has been but we must live by faith in what's to come. I am choosing to continually remind myself that the same Jesus that has walked with us this far will continue to walk us through to the end. Because He alone is the author and finisher of our faith! 


My five minutes of words were pretty short this time! Would you like to join us in this fun writing adventure? Link up with us here at Kate Montaung's Five Minute Friday.


  1. Sorry you are having such a tough time. Thank you for sharing, may your words encourage others in a similar situation.

  2. Sounds like there is some good news in the midst of a scary season of life. I hope that by looking back and seeing God's faithfulness you can continue to have courage and hope for the future! Wendy FMF neighbor #15

  3. I'm praying that you continue to receive good news as you travel this path.

  4. Sometimes the journey is hard but I am praising God with you for how far your family has come with treatment. I pray that you will see God's presence with you in the days ahead. He is faithful. Thank-you for visiting my blog.

  5. that in-between time is tough to navigate. May God help you navigate the joys of good news and the waiting between. FMF22


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