Pattern | Five Minute Friday

Pattern | Five Minute Friday

One Word Prompt ~ Five Minutes of Writing ~ No Editing
Today's Prompt: Pattern


I am a needleworker in many different mediums. I knit, crochet, cross stitch, embroider and quilt. In all of those crafts I use a pattern. It tells me how much thread and fabric I need. It tells me what colors to use. It basically tells me how everything will be pulled together to make the end project.

Some people use the pattern as a general guideline. They change many aspects of the original and come up with a project that is unique to them. I on the other hand rarely stray from the pattern. I occasionally change something minor like a color or size but I rarely change the overall pattern. 

I find great comfort in having those guidelines to follow so I know exactly what my end result will be. I do not enjoy surprises. For example I never do mystery stitch-a-longs until they are completely finished and revealed. I like to know exactly what my end result will be.

Right now my family is in the midst of a very stressful health situation. Our doctors are using patterns to gage what our outcome will be. But we don't know the end result because just like a mystery stitch-a-long each section is still being revealed. It's making me so stressed. But the other day I was whining to God about it and just lamenting how uncertain everything is and in His gracious way He reminded me that He's already given me the ultimate pattern to follow . . .His Word.

I may not know what Tuesday holds. But I certainly know how it all began and how it will all end. And that means I know it will all be okay. I just need to follow the pattern.


Feeling inspired to write? Link up with us here at Kate Motaung's Five Minute Friday.



  1. I agree completely! Not knowing the outcome of difficult situation is so stressful. It's so easy to worry and be fearful. Thankfully God is near and we can bring that all to Him and trust that He is good and His plan is always best. We can have peace in the middle of the hard. Praying for peace for you as you wait for the answers from the doctors!

    Love, Annie
    FMF #11

  2. oh yes, we do know the ultimate end don't we, and it makes the uncertainties of the day more bearable indeed. FMF22

  3. Even knowing all that, I would still find it hard not to worry in such a situation.
    Just sayed a little prayer for peace, and that the Lord would grant you all a miracle of healing.
    (visiting from #23)

  4. The peace that passes all understanding! That's what we're counting on!


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