Book Review ~ My One Word @myoneword

Christian Living

Back of the book:

The concept of My One Word is simple. Lose the long list of resolutions—all your sweeping promises to change—and do something about one thing this year instead of nothing about everything. Choose just one word that represents what you most hope God will do in you, and focus on it for an entire year. This single act will force clarity and concentrate your efforts. As you focus on your word over an extended period of time, you position yourself for God to form your character at a deep, sustainable level. Growth and change will result.

Author Mike Ashcraft, who has led his megachurch through this My One Word project for more than five years, and Proverbs 31 Ministries author and speaker Rachel Olsen, who has lived it, are encouraging, insightful, good humored, yet realistic in this enjoyable read. Their stories of growth and change through My One Word will keep you motivated. Throughout the book you’ll also find words and stories of people just like you who have joined the My One Word movement and discovered the power of just one word.

About My One Word:

The challenge is simple: lose the long list of changes you want to make this year and instead pick just one word. Change is possible but focus is required.

Twitter: @myoneword

My thoughts:

This small little book has had a large impact on me and those around me in the two weeks that I have been reading it. If you have come within ten feet of me you have probably heard something about it, if not a direct quote read to you from the book itself!

I think we all like to make resolutions because we really do want to be better people. Unfortunately most of us forget about those resolutions shortly after we begin. My One Word is meant to help focus your good intentions. The premise is that you pick one word and focus on it and its meaning for an entire year. For example instead of making a resolution to lose weight, eat better, exercise more, read your Bible daily, etc. you may choose a word like consistency. You would then focus on what being consistent is all about and applying it to your life. Then presumably the other areas would fall into place.

I’ve only been concentrating on my word for about a week now, but already I am amazed at how focused it is making me become. Whenever I run across the word I’ve chosen it makes me stop and contemplate its meaning and context and then I apply it to what I’m learning.

There are a few things that stand out for me in this book. The first is that this is meant to be a process. You aren’t expected to pick your word right away; in fact you are encouraged to spend time in prayer and study before settling on your one word. At the conclusion to each chapter is a section entitled Reflect that gives you areas to think about and journal through during the year. Scattered throughout the book are examples of other people’s one word with explanations on why they picked the word. I enjoyed reading the process that each person went through picking each of their words.

There is a small group video and discussion option that I think would be wonderful to go through with some close friends. Even if you don’t do this study with a group be sure to check out the website and other resources available at

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