Mommy Confession Tough Stuff ~ Part 2

A few months after little H was born I was pretty disappointed with how I looked and wrote a blog post titled Mommy Confession Tough Stuff. Now it’s less than a month away from Little H first birthday and my, oh my have my thoughts changed. I am not sure what has changed my way of thinking but I am glad to be where I am right now. 

I was having a conversation the other day with another mom and we were talking about how we feel anything but super. I then made the comment of maybe it is because a mother’s work is never done so even though we may accomplish a lot we know that there is still much more to do and the next day will inevitably hold more of the same. So we make ourselves feel like failures.

After making this statement I thought about it for a while and realized how awful that is to think. Our society has so many unattainable ideals for women. One case in point, celebrities have babies and are then in skinny jeans as soon as they leave the hospital! That makes me feel anything but super as I still look down and see extra belly fat.

There are other times when I just want to sit down and get stuff done. It seems that as soon as I do Little H or Little M suddenly needs me. I just think if I had a nanny, cook or a maid, etc. I wouldn't have this problem.

The other day while I was thinking about the comment from above it hit me. My thinking has to change.  Thinking I am a failure every day is crazy, insane and definitely not healthy!

Now this way of thinking goes all the way back to when I was in labor with Little M and I looked at my husband and asked him if he wanted to switch spots with me.  Why would I ever ask him that? Giving birth is one of the most amazing things I have ever done. Both times I gave birth I realized what a miracle life is and what an opportunity it is to give birth. Both times I realized how gracious God is to me and how I can do nothing without Him.

There is an ugly side to motherhood that includes dirty diapers, lack of sleep, kids with bad manners, stretch marks, throw up, etc. BUT there is an even more amazing side to motherhood! I am the one they ask for when sick. I am the one who gets to kiss their soft heads and nurse them back to sleep. I am the one who gets to see their first steps.  Bottom line I am the one they want.

Wow isn’t that your dream job to do something for someone who wants you! Now if I think of the things I feel that make me a failure such as the continual mountain of laundry, my abs no longer being rock hard, or not getting everything done I realize those are minor things.

I have it made! Yes I may have stretch marks and extra weight to lose but it just reminds me that I participated in a miracle and gave life. 

I love my boys and for their sake and mine I will not see myself as a failure. Instead I choose to see it through their eyes. I am their booboo kisser, playmate, listener, and most of all I am their Momma.

“Let the peace of God rule in their hearts and be thankful” Colossians 3:15


  1. I don't think there's a mom in the world who doesn't concur. Great post! Your forward drive is remarkable, it only means that you strive to be a better person and parent -- and that's not something you should ever apologize for.

    1. Megan no amount of money could ever buy a friend like you! Thank you. XOXO :)

    2. Ditto. Also? very honored to be yours!

    3. Good!Now let's take over the blogging world! ;0)

  2. I love this post, so real and so sweet. Motherhood is hard no doubt but I like how you turned your thoughts around and how it has helped you :) I need to remember this too. Thanks!!

    1. Oh thanks Sam! I love seeing all your photos of your kids and reading your blog! :)

  3. What a great attitude and what a profound realization if only all moms could get to this point! You are doing a great job.

    1. Thanks Ellen! If only I could stay at this point everyday! I love reading all your post too and think you do a great job as well!


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