Tasty Tuesday ~ The New Southwest Cookbook Giveaway!

Welcome to Tasty Tuesdays with Laura from Food Snob St. Louis! Maybe you are looking for some good Christmas gift ideas, and I have a fantastic cookbook giveaway for you today.

There is something inspiring and exciting about opening a new cookbook. It makes me feel like a little kid on Christmas morning who is trying to decide what to play with first - only my dilemma is what to make first. I love how it can mix up a routine week of meals, make me try new ingredients or new ways of using those that are familiar to me. It just fun to watch someone's creativity spark some of my own. This is exactly what happened when I flipped through The New Southwest from Scarletta Bakes. When I think "southwest," I think tacos, enchiladas, quesadillas . . . nothing all that shocking or surprising. A quick look at this cookbook though, made me throw all those ordinary ideas out the window. It is packed with creative, unique combinations of flavors and ingredients with a twist and influence from the American Southwest.


 The Food Snob has been begging me for months to make our own salsa rather than buying it from the store (we go through a LOT of salsa and chips here). I had an odd burst of energy/nesting/trying to do anything but think about how I haven't had a baby yet on Saturday morning and decided to make the Sunday Salsa recipe. This involved sweating peppers, which was a new process to me. Scarletta does an excellent job of explaining exactly how this process works and a few options of how to roast and then sweat the peppers. I appreciated this so much. Had she just put "sweat the peppers" in the instructions, I would of been one lost chef. I left out the jalapenos since I wanted a milder salsa, and it turned out fantastic. I can see why she makes a huge batch each Sunday.


I have about 20 pages flagged for immediate additions to our weekly menus. I can't wait to dive in more! How would you like your own copy of The New Southwest? Just enter the Rafflecopter entry below. Please not this contest is open to U.S. residents only. One winner will be chosen on November 15th!


  a Rafflecopter giveaway

If you don't win, you can purchase The New Southwest on Amazon.com, Barnes & Noble and IndieBound


  1. This would be a great Christmas gift!

  2. If I could live on nothing but salsa and chips, I totally would. That is why I would love to add this cookbook to my collection! Thank you for this giveaway!

    1. Oops--Candyce = Cee in the entry form. I go by my nickname ;)

  3. I would love to have new recipes. I'm pretty boring in the kitchen, I need to spice it up in there!

  4. I want to win because Southwest and Mexican cooking is my favorite cuisine!
    Digicats {at} Sbcglobal {dot} Net

  5. I want to win this book because I need to learn new recipes!

  6. I would like to win this not only because I collect cook books but because we are in a food rut and could use some new recipes

  7. I would like to win this cookbook as I love trying new recipes and these look so good!
    Laurie Emerson
    lauraemerson17 at yahoo dot com


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